Girls Bad Spirit Child Costume
Product features:
- Two costume kinds – pirate and pirate cheerleader style.
- Child sizes – L, M and small.
- Used materials – polyester and cotton.
- Costume measures 14 x 3 x 40 inches.
- Black and white colors.
- Costume for girls at age 7-10 years.
Product description
There are two pirate costume types. One is like a real serious pirate girl. It has a dress, all black and white with skulls and boot covers. This is more for boyish girls who likes pirates. It’s great for Halloween, costume party or other event where the costume is needed. Other costume looks like a pirate cheerleader. It has a skirt and a shirt, also black and white. This costume includes cheerleader pom-poms. This costume is for more girly girls. Both costumes are quite wearable, also in more casual days or while playing with friends. Pirates are quite stylish now. Black and white is the most popular pirate colors, so there is just one color possibility. The pirate outfit could look great with some pirate accessories – hat, sword and lots of jewelry. The cheerleader costume doesn’t need any of those accessories, just some pigtails. For both costumes are used soft materials – cotton and polyester. Both can be worn more than just once. And you can softly wash them. Color and size won’t change, you just have to wash it gentle. With washing only some of skull glitter might come off. Those costumes doesn’t contain any small details, so nothing will fall off or get lost. Material is strong enough and right what you can get for this great price. This is also a great deal, if two sisters wants to be pirates, but doesn’t want the same costumes. These two girls will be both pirate, but at the same time very different from her sister. You can also easy adjust costumes, if it’s nessesary. Also you can easy replace any costume details with your one – something black and white, something with stripes or skulls and there you go.
Video about Girls Bad Spirit Child Costume
- Two types of pirate costumes to choose from.
- Soft and washable material.
- No small parts.
- Great price.
- Easy to replace parts.
- Hard to understand sizes.
- Only one color.
- Glitter might come off.